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Myagkov D.A. The sketches of history of the appropriating occupations of the Baraba Tatars. - Omsk, 2008. – 156 p.



Sketch 1. The natural conditions of the Baraba forest-steppe

Sketch 2. The fishery

Seasonal features, methods and tools of fishery

Social organization and dimensions of fishery

Utilization of fishery products

Types of fishery

Use by the fishing lands

Sketch 3. The hunting and the collecting

The hunting for the hoofed animals

The hunting for the fur

The hunting for the fowl and the small animals

The social organization of hunting

The dimensions of hunting

The changes in the hunting cycle

The collecting and the other occupations of the Baraba Tatars

Sketch 4. The trade culture

The means of travel

The trade dwellings

The food

The trade cult


The Sources


The abbreviations



Geographical index

Administrative-territorial belonging of mentioned places

Alphabetical index

Subject index

List of basic informants

List of illustrations


Copyrigt © Кафедра этнологии, антропологии, археологии и музеологии
Омского государственного университета им. Ф.М. Достоевского
Омск, 2001–2024