Кафедра этнологии, антропологии, археологии и музеологии | Этнография Западной Сибири | Библиотека сайта | Контакты Этноархеологические исследования | Полевой архив | Этнографические заметки | Этнографическая экспозиция МАЭ ОмГУ | ЭтноФото | Этнография Омского Прииртышья Публикации 2008 | Конференции 2008 | Экспедиции 2008 | Конференции 2009 | Публикации 2009 | Экспедиция 2009 | Гранты 2010 | Конференции 2010 | Экспедиции 2010 | Публикации 2010 | Гранты 2011
The first sketch of study is devoted to description of natural conditions of Baraba forest-steppe. In the second and third sketches fishery, hunting and collecting of the Baraba Tatars are considered: their seasonal features, methods, instruments, social organization, dimensions, directions of production use. The local features and changes in Baraba Tatars economy complex are disclosed. The fourth sketch of the monography includes the characteristic of the Baraba Tatars means of travel, temporary economic buildings, food and trade cult elements. In the end of research the basic conclusions are done. Natural
conditions of Baraba opened ample opportunities to indigenous population for
conducting diversified economy. The Baraba Tatars traditional occupations had
composite character, presenting a complex combination of fishery, hunting,
collecting, cattle breeding and agriculture. The ratio of occupations branches
at different Baraba Tatars local groups differed and depended on concrete
natural conditions. In XIX - first third XX centuries in economic complex of the
Baraba Tatars value of appropriating branches decreases and role of cattle
breeding and agriculture increases. |