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East Siberian State Academy of Education (Russia, Irkutsk)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Novosibirsk)
Irkutsk State Technical University (Russia, Irkutsk)
Irkutsk State University (Russia, Irkutsk)
Omsk State University of F.M. Dostoevsky (Russia, Omsk)
Omsk Branch of Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Omsk)
University of Aberdeen (Great Britain, Aberdeen)


Dear colleagues!

The 20th international scientific symposium on «The Integration of Archaeological and Ethnographic Research», will take place from 27 May to 2 June 2013 in Irkutsk Russia.

Main themes:

•    Ethnoarchaeological research: theory, methods, historiography, sources
•    Environmental archaeology: (humans, animals, the surrounding landscape; the influence of people and animals on the surrounding landscape, their adaptation to it);
•    Biosociality: New conceptions of human and or animal agency as documented by archeological and ethnographic research
•    Sacred Landscapes: Sacred territories as documented by archeological and ethnographic research;
•    Alternative Worlds and Worldviews (инобытия): The Worldview and practices of  ancient and traditional societies as documented by archeologists, ethnographer and interdisciplinary research;
•    Historical reconstruction: architecture, costumes, crafts, music, dances etc.

To participate in the symposium it is necessary to apply before October 30, 2012 with an abstract, the name of the panel where it should be presented, and a form with your personal details (full name, affiliation, position, academic degree and rank, mailing address with electronic address).  By January 20, 2013 this must be followed by a longer written summary of the paper which will be typeset and published before the conference.
The Official languages of the symposium are English and Russian.

Please submit your applications electronically to: integr2013ru@gmail.com (Russian texts); integr2013en@gmail.com (English texts).
Following the conference, the organizing committee will mount the papers on the website of Omsk State University (http://ethnography.omskreg.ru; http://sfrik.omskreg.ru).

The  organizing committee of the 20th international scientific symposium on
«The Integration of Archaeological and Ethnographic Research»


Chairmen of the organizing committee – academic V.I.Molodin (Russia, Novosibirsk); prof. N.A.Tomilov (Russia, Omsk).
Cochairmen of the organizing committee – prof. D.G. Anderson (Aberdeen, Great Britain), prof. A.V. Kharinsky (Russia, Irkutsk).
Vice-chairmen of the organizing committee – dr. M.A. Korusenko (Russia, Omsk), dr. E.A. Lipnina (Russia, Irkutsk).
Scientific secretaries of the organizing committee – dr. S.S. Tikhonov (Russia, Omsk), dr. A.V. Tetenkin (Russia, Irkutsk).
Secretaries of the organizing committee – N.S. Baranova (Russia, Omsk), dr.  Yu.A. Emelyanova (Russia, Irkutsk).

The organizing committee also includes the following scientists: A.A. Tishkin (Barnaul, Russia), D. Ziker (Boise, USA), N.N. Kradin (Vladivostok, Russia), V.M. Vetrov, G.I. Medvedev, V.V. Tikhonov (Irkutsk, Russia), G. Oetelaar (Calgary, Canada), V.E. Medvedev, Yu.S.Khudyakov (Novosibirsk, Russia), R. Willerslav (Oslo, Norway), D.G. Savinov, V.N. Davydov (St.-Petersburg, Russia), Yu.I. Ozheredov, L.M. Pletnev (Tomsk, Russia), I.Bjørklund (Tromso, Norway), N.E. Ryabogina (Tyumen, Russia), D. Erdenebaator, D. Tumen (Ulan Bator, Mongolia), J. Long (Hull, Germany), R. Losey (Edmonton, Canada).

Abstracts and summaries can be written in Russian and English. The summary is limited to 10 thousand characters for the main text, one A4 illustration in the size 1 sheet A4. The abstract is limited to 300 characters.  It will be printed both before the summary and in the official programme. If the summary is in English it should have a Russian-language abstract.  If the summary is in Russian it should have an English-language summary.

Article (the text, the list of references, signatures to drawings and tables) should move in the form of the MS Word format file with document fields: the left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm, top and bottom – 1,5 cm. The size 14 for Times New Roman, an unary interval.

Doesn't follow:

– to make tabulation;
– to allocate words with a discharge (between words, one gap should be signs);
– to divide paragraphs in the empty line;
– to use the teams which are carrying out in an automatic mode (an insert of footnotes on literature and notes, marking and numbering of paragraphs and so forth);
– to use macroes, to keep the text in the form of a template and with installation «only for reading»;
– to format the text and to do compulsory transfers.

At the end of article the list of sources and literature on which there are references in the text, in alphabetical order is provided.

Bibliographic references in the text are given in parentheses with the indication of a surname of the author, year of the edition and page.
Sample: Near Ulema's river the treasure of silver coins (Ivanov, 1987: 36).

Bibliographic description of the publication includes: surnames and the initials of authors (everything, irrespective of their number), the full name of work and the edition in which article is published, the city, the name of publishing house or the publishing organization, year of the edition, volume (for the multivolume edition), number, release (for periodicals), publication volume (the first and last pages – for article).
monographs: 1. Zakharova I. V, Tomilov N. A. Ethnographic scientific centers of Western Siberia of the middle of XIX – the beginnings of the XXI century. Omsk ethnographic center. – Omsk: Nauka publishing house, 2007. – 400 p.
articles: 2. Tomilov N. A., Alisov D. A., Zhigunov M. A. Some problems and prospects of studying of Russian culture in Siberia // Traditional culture of Russian of Western Siberia of the XIX-XX centuries. History and life sketches. – Omsk: Nauka publishing house, 2003. – P. 7-19.
electronic resources: 3. Astafyev V. Records of different years [Electronic resource] // Memorial: [site]. URL: http://memorial.krsk.ru // Astafiev.htm (date of the address 23.08.2007).

In the presence of notes – short explanations of the main text and additions to it, in the text at that place which the note concerns, it is necessary to give its numbering (1, 2, 3 etc.), and the note to gather after the list of references and sources.
Signatures are provided to illustrations and tables after the list of references and sources or the text of notes.
Drawings and drawings are represented on sheets A4 (from the back a pencil it is necessary to write a surname of the author, the truncated name of article, illustration number, the instruction "top" and "bottom") and in electronic option in the form of jpg or tif format files with permission of 300 dpi.

Reductions in the text should be deciphered, i.e. it is necessary to attach the list of peruction to articles.

More details about the symposium will follow in further letters.

The organizing committee reserves the right to itself to reject the materials which do not correspond to specified subject or meet registration requirements.

Application    >>>

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Омского государственного университета им. Ф.М. Достоевского
Омск, 2001–2024